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Mercury Retrograde Frustration

Mercury Retrograde: Myth or Fact?

Mercury Retrograde: Myth or Fact? Does Mercury Retrograde really have an effect on our life? For years I had no idea it even existed. Sure, there were periods of time when things didn’t go my way, but I always dismissed them as “bad days” or “difficult weeks.” Yet, once I learned about this phenomenon… I began to take notice of certain patterns that repeated themselves three times a year. In… Read More »Mercury Retrograde: Myth or Fact?

How to Feel Happy

How to feel Happy! Have you ever wondered how many people are truly happy? Statistics show that only 1 out 3 Americans feel happy on a day to day basis! So why do so many people struggle to find it? To understand how to become more joyful, we should first look at what it means to be happy. Although people experience happiness from different things, the underlying feeling is the… Read More »How to Feel Happy

Wealthy Mediterranean Estate

How to Have True Wealth

How to have True Wealth Have you ever wondered what it means to have true wealth? Is it a sprawling Mansion, a 100 foot Yacht or is it the latest Luxury Car? The truth is… in today’s society wealth is dictated to us by the images we see. Whether it’s on the big screen or on the internet, we all have an idea of what wealth is. This perception causes… Read More »How to Have True Wealth