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Feeling Sad: 5 Ways to Lift Your Mood

Feeling Sad: 5 Ways to Lift Your Mood We all have those days when we just feel sad. Sometimes it’s an event that triggers it but other times it can appear without a reason. For me, my morning rituals of Meditation and Daily Affirmations usually help me stay happy and positive. Most of the time this works like magic. Yet, on some days, no matter what I do…. I just… Read More »Feeling Sad: 5 Ways to Lift Your Mood

How to Find Happiness Zen Connection

Positive Daily Affirmations

Positive Daily Affirmations What are Affirmations Are you seeking a change in your life? Many of us have desires and aspirations, whether it’s improving our health, finding a soul mate or enjoying financial freedom. So how do we achieve this? I realized a few years ago that life is really a game. There are universal rules that we must follow in order to fulfill our dreams. Once I understood this… Read More »Positive Daily Affirmations