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Feeling Sad: 5 Ways to Lift Your Mood

Feeling Sad: 5 Ways to Lift Your Mood We all have those days when we just feel sad. Sometimes it’s an event that triggers it but other times it can appear without a reason. For me, my morning rituals of Meditation and Daily Affirmations usually help me stay happy and positive. Most of the time this works like magic. Yet, on some days, no matter what I do…. I just… Read More »Feeling Sad: 5 Ways to Lift Your Mood

Closing Instagram The Zen Connection

The Hidden Effects of Social Media

Hidden Effects of Social Media A Little History Does social media really have an affect on our life? Most people will say no ….but I have experienced firsthand its negative effects! Interestingly enough, I am not the only one that felt it. Studies show that Instagram, Tik Tok and other forms of social media cause high levels of anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. So what is it about these platforms… Read More »The Hidden Effects of Social Media