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What is A Life Path Number? Learn Yours!

Find Your Life path Zen Connection

Life Path Number

Are you curious about your life path? Do you wish you has some insight into your true calling? For years I had no idea about its significance. Yet, once I discovered my life path number, things began to make more sense. It has since shown me my true purpose in life. In addition to helping me recognize my “soul calling,” it has also given me insight into those closest to me. Knowing their strengths and challenges has allowed me to be more understanding and enjoy more peaceful relationships.

A Little Background into Numerology

The secret to our life path has its roots in numerology, the ancient study of numbers and their mystical relationships between beings and objects. Some of its earliest records date back to ancient Babylon and Egypt. It is said that uncovering its meaning can deepen our understanding of the world around us. In addition, it can shed light on the people we interact with. But most importantly, the life path number reveals our strengths and weaknesses in this journey through life. This number is considered by many as the most important number in numerology, since it holds hidden information and meaning! Once you reveal your own number, you can discover more about your skills and obstacles. So let’s get started….

How To Calculate:

Using your date of birth, you simplify the numbers down to a single digit, except for 11, 22 and 33 which are Master Numbers. Once you have your final number/s, you can use the chart below to understand what each one signifies. You will notice that each life path outlines both your given talents and your challenges! In other words, you can use this to recognize your skills and overcome your struggles.

Here is an example

                                                             Birth Date:                    January 15, 1949       (1-15-1949)

                                                             Month:                           January = 1

                                                             Day:                               15            = 1+5 = 6

                                                             Year:                              1949       =1+9+4+9= 23 = 5

                                                             Added Together:         1 +6 +5 = 12…simplified further 12 = 1+2  =3 

                                                                                      Life Path Number of:  (3)      

The Life Path Guide

Life Path Number


Life Path number 1 person climbing peak of mountain alone

Known as the Destiny Number, the “Ones” usually display Pioneer Traits or Leadership Skills. In addition to being independent and self-sufficient, they are also confident, curious, and creative. Similarly, they are hard working, with the ability to manifest their vision easily. Thus, they are able to attract money effortlessly.

The challenges faced by the ones is that they can be self-centered, egotistical, impatient and easily stressed. They usually work better alone and find it hard to reach out to others for help. In addition, they tend to jump from one thing to another, which is evident in jobs and relationships. As Life Partners, they are most compatible with those who have Life Path Number 3 and 5.

Life Path Number


Bonding Circle between people

The “Twos” have the innate ability to unite through Peace and Harmony. Thus, they are commonly referred to as the Peacemakers. Gifted with the capacity to view situations from all perspectives, many rise to become powerful persuaders and great diplomats. In addition to their great listening skills, the “twos” are intuitive and can mediate situations without resorting to confrontations. They are honest, sincere, and loyal. Above all, they display amazing inner strength.

Their struggle lies in feeling over emotional at times and neglecting to speak their mind. This can lead them to experience frustration and anger. In Addition, the “twos” do not like being alone. They are compatible with any number as they thrive in relationships.

Life Path Number


Life Path number three women painting a mural in street

The most obvious trait the “Threes” possess is Creativity. Abundantly gifted in self-expression -both verbally and artistically – allows them to be great writers and artists. They are full of charisma, are easy going, optimistic, and extremely generous. In addition, their great listening skills makes those around them feel at ease. Above all, people are naturally drawn to them because of their charm, wit and sense of humor.

But on the flip side, they can experience intense emotions affecting their mood which can sometimes cause manic depression. Their optimistic nature leads them to shy away from responsibly. Similarly, they tend to spend money carelessly.

Life Path Number


Life Path Number four organized work station home office

Those with the “Four” life path are known for their Organizational Skills and Work Ethics. What stands out about them is how honest, dependable, and determined they are. These traits allow them to be successful managers, craftsmen, and organizers. Similarly, they possess amazing self control and discipline, working steadily toward their goal. Their satisfaction is derived from accomplishments, rather than social recognition. In other words, they are down to earth. In addition, they set high standards for themselves and those around them. Focused and very goal oriented, they place an emphasis on attention to detail. Above all, they are regarded as devoted family members.

The “fours” struggle when they feel a lack of control. When they perceive chaos, they are prone to panic attacks. In addition, they are not particularly social, lacking tact at times. Similarly, they can be stubborn and come across as too serious. Another challenge they face is lack of risk taking, which often leads to missed opportunities. Known as the ultimate workaholic, they believe in a  slow and steady process.


Life Path Number


Life Path Number five Man Jumping into waters for adventure

The life path of the “Fives” is all about Freedom, Variety and Change! They are the ultimate free spirits, seeking constant risk and adventure. In addition to their endless curiosity of life, they are also inspiring in nature. People are easily attracted to them, which allows them to excel in sales, politics and advertising. They need constant stimulation leading them to experience life through all of their 5 senses. Similarly, they live for the moment and enjoy going to new places and trying new things. Above all, appearance is a very important to them.

Their challenge presents itself in their lack of commitment to jobs, in relationships and overall direction in life. They often appear to lead a hectic life and can’t seem to settle down. When their need for excitement becomes excessive, it can lead to drug or alcohol abuse.

Life Path Number


Man and women surgeon in operating room

The “Sixs” are known as the Caregivers! They tend to be incredible nurturers with a heightened sense of responsibility toward the family, home and community. Known for their compassion, warmth and understanding, they take on the task of helping others. Similarly, they seek balance and harmony with their ability to see the bigger picture. They enjoy giving their time and energy. In addition to being kind and generous, they make great spouses, parents and humanitarians. Although admired by others, they remain humble and graceful.

Yet, their struggle lies in giving too much at the expense of their own personal needs and desires. When they don’t feel appreciated, they can become critical, judgmental and resentful. Above all, they need to find the balance between giving and not enabling or meddling too much.

Life Path Number


Male Lab worker looking into microscope

The “Seventh” life path embodies seeking the Truth and Knowledge. Many feel alone and out of place as they are deep thinkers. Commonly known for their intellectual minds, they are devoted to investigating the world around them. In addition to being gifted with spiritual wisdom, they are also analytical with a philosophical outlook. Regarded as perfectionists, the “sevens” are quite independent and bright, with a heightened level of intuition. Similarly, they prefer to work in solitude, quietness and peace. 

Their dilemma emerges as they try to balance both their intuitive/spiritual mind with their analytical one. In addition, their constant independence can prevent them from creating close relationships with others. Thus, many feel lonely and isolated.

Life Path Number


Wealthy Mediterranean Estate

The Journey of the “Eighth” life path is balancing Wealth and the true meaning of Success. These individuals are very goal oriented, ambitious and have amazing work ethics. This enables them to acquire financial success fairly easily. In addition, they are honest, blunt and resilient. Similarly, their power and authority enables them to be great executives or entrepreneurs. Using their creative imagination, coupled with a strong gut feeling, they know how to amass a fortune- inspiring others to follow.

However, the “eights” face the challenge of financial ups and down, just like the shape of the number itself. They can accumulate great riches and experience great falls, only to bounce back to the top again. This stems from their struggle between wealth and greed. Advice is difficult for them to take, often leaving them to learn the hard way. In addition, they are unforgiving once betrayed. Above all, their attachment to money can lead to problems in their personal life.

Life Path Number


Volunteers Cleaning up a Beach Coast

Those with a “Nine” life path embody Humanitarian and Philanthropist Traits. The “Nines” have a strong sense of compassion and service toward others and are strongly in tune with their spiritual side. Like the “Sixs,” the “Nines” want to help others, but more in a global sense. Similarly, they are givers and thrive when they use their creative energy toward the greater good. Gifted with incredible charisma, they often inspire others with their passion and compassion.

However, the “nines” embody all the traits of the other life paths but also each one of their challenges. As a result of their strong urge to help, they place a lot of pressure on themselves and are very self-critical. Additionally, they see life from a perfectionist point of view, often needing to improve things. Many find it hard to let go of the past and release themselves from unhealthy relationships. For the “nines, “chasing money will not yield material success. However, money can flow to them through their acts of giving and sacrificing. When not aligned with their highest integrity, they often feel alone and experience mood swings.  

Master Number


Architect Drawing a scale of a home

The Master Number 11 describes a Visionary, who is Charismatic, Intuitive yet Idealistic. Gifted with all the traits of the “twos”, the “Elevens” have more heightened gifts and challenges. Known as healers in their sheer presence, they inspire people around them without much effort. In addition, these Master Planners are able to implement inventions by tapping into their conscious and subconscious realm. The “elevens” are spiritually enlightened. Similarly, they make great partnerships by working well in groups, are trustworthy and decisive.

Their lesson lies in knowing the difference between a dream and an idea that can become a reality. The “Elevens” are very critical of themselves and are highly self-conscious. They seem to experience their peak and success in the middle stages of life.

Master Number


Modern Architectural Hallway in Building

Known as the Master Builder, the “Twenty-Twos” Plan and Execute Projects for the Benefit of Mankind. Their strength lies in combining the harmony from the “Twos” and the practical work ethics of the “Fours.”  They have a gift for creating visions on a larger scale than the “Elevens,” using the necessary resources in implementing their ideas. These Master Visionaries can see the bigger picture.

Their obstacle lies more within themselves. In addition to feeling self-doubt and overwhelmed, they often fear failure. Success for the “twenty-twos” often manifests itself in later stages of life, after years of trial and error. Because of their need to work alone, their balance lies in relying on people and gathering the right support, while staying open minded.

Master Number


Humanitarian School in Africa

The Master Number “Thirty-Three” embodies the meaning of Healer and Visionary. Using their creativity stemming from double “threes,” they are meant to incorporate joyful expression, while serving as Master Teachers and Healers. Unlike the previous master numbers whose life path entailed creating, these masters are all about “Enlightenment and Raising Consciousness.” Although this life path is rare, it can include careers ranging from mothers, to doctors, police officers and actors. Similarly, they are natural born leaders full of charisma and charm. Additionally, they carry a deep pride and are quite talented. The “Thirty-Threes” are generous, kind and are ready to help those in need. 

The challenge they face lies in not letting others misuse their kindness. In addition, they need to find balance between knowing when to help and when not to interfere. However, many of those with this life path never truly realize their true potential, veering off track easily. 

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The Zen Connection
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4 years ago

Wow, reading this life path information about being my #6 really opened my eyes in an Instant that I always put others before myself and it hurts to take steps back but I am enabling some people by doing things for them and not letting them learn and do on their own. Thank you

4 years ago

Wow this is crazy, word to word accurate!
Thank you for this article!

Renee Talor
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thank you for the Feedback….So happy you found it helpful 🙂

4 years ago

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