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Cope with grief

How to Cope with Grief

Coping with Grief Co-Written by Camille Johnson & ReneeTalor When I was 24 years old…my father passed away. He was only 48 at the time, but was battling an illness for a few years. As a newlywed, just a year into my marriage, I felt completely lost and unable to cope with the grief! The day before he passed, he looked so angelic and peaceful at the hospital. I remember… Read More »How to Cope with Grief

5 Tips for Better Sleep

5 Tips for Better Sleep

5 Tips for Better Sleep By Guest Author Gabriel Patel of A great night’s sleep is something our body and mind craves. When we get a full night of sleep, we wake up feeling refreshed and vibrant. Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, can have a negative effect on every aspect of our life. Even the occasional night of poor sleep is unpleasant. But if wakefulness and insomnia are… Read More »5 Tips for Better Sleep

Mercury Retrograde Frustration

Mercury Retrograde: Myth or Fact?

Mercury Retrograde: Myth or Fact? Does Mercury Retrograde really have an effect on our life? For years I had no idea it even existed. Sure, there were periods of time when things didn’t go my way, but I always dismissed them as “bad days” or “difficult weeks.” Yet, once I learned about this phenomenon… I began to take notice of certain patterns that repeated themselves three times a year. In… Read More »Mercury Retrograde: Myth or Fact?

Secret of Ho'oponopono


Ho’oponopono You may have wondered what is Ho-oponopono? Not only is it difficult to pronounce but what does it mean? Well… I thought the same thing when I first heard it a few years ago. Being open minded, it sparked my curiosity enough to investigate further. Unlike my other daily rituals, which include morning meditation and daily affirmations, this “Hawaiian” healing method exposed me to a whole new approach in… Read More »Ho’oponopono

How to be more confident

How To be More Confident

How To be More Confident We have all experienced it…. being in a room with someone who is very confident that they demand everyone’s attention. What is it that they posses? But more importantly, how can we become more confident ourselves? To understand it better, let us first break down the qualities that define a high self esteem. When someone is said to be confident they really have self-respect, meaning… Read More »How To be More Confident

How to Find Love Coaching couple in love

Is It Possible to Find love? Yes!

Is It Possible To Find Love? Yes! How To Attract Love Into your Life In today’s society true love often seems like a myth! Many wonder…Is it possible to find love? I believe it is! With over 3 billion Google searches, the desire to experience love is real. So how can you find it?  The truth is, we seem to have lost our ability to connect with people face to… Read More »Is It Possible to Find love? Yes!

How to Feel Happy

How to feel Happy! Have you ever wondered how many people are truly happy? Statistics show that only 1 out 3 Americans feel happy on a day to day basis! So why do so many people struggle to find it? To understand how to become more joyful, we should first look at what it means to be happy. Although people experience happiness from different things, the underlying feeling is the… Read More »How to Feel Happy

Feeling Sad: 5 Ways to Lift Your Mood

Feeling Sad: 5 Ways to Lift Your Mood We all have those days when we just feel sad. Sometimes it’s an event that triggers it but other times it can appear without a reason. For me, my morning rituals of Meditation and Daily Affirmations usually help me stay happy and positive. Most of the time this works like magic. Yet, on some days, no matter what I do…. I just… Read More »Feeling Sad: 5 Ways to Lift Your Mood

Closing Instagram The Zen Connection

The Hidden Effects of Social Media

Hidden Effects of Social Media A Little History Does social media really have an affect on our life? Most people will say no ….but I have experienced firsthand its negative effects! Interestingly enough, I am not the only one that felt it. Studies show that Instagram, Tik Tok and other forms of social media cause high levels of anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. So what is it about these platforms… Read More »The Hidden Effects of Social Media

Inner peace Meditation

What is A Life Path Number? Learn Yours!

What is A Life Path Number? Learn Yours! Life Path Number Are you curious about your life path? Do you wish you has some insight into your true calling? For years I had no idea about its significance. Yet, once I discovered my life path number, things began to make more sense. It has since shown me my true purpose in life. In addition to helping me recognize my “soul… Read More »What is A Life Path Number? Learn Yours!