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Zen Life Tools
Zen Life Tools
Zen Life Tools
7 Secrets to a Successful Life!
Gratitude is the secret sauce of Life! Walking around with a grateful attitude attracts more good things. It’s the Law of Attraction!
It is also a proven method to turn things around when life becomes difficult. No matter what we experience at a given moment, things could always be worse. Gratitude is a powerful method to turn these situations around.
Likewise, if things are going great, stop and count your blessings!
Live every moment to the fullest! Don’t wait until you’re old or when your health is deteriorating to go after your dreams. We all get caught up in our daily routines that we sometimes take life for granted. Our time here is unknown, so make each day count!
My daughter recently turned 21 and decided to go sky diving for her birthday! At first, I thought she was crazy. But after careful consideration, I decided to join her! I must admit seeing Earth at 13,000 feet was breathtaking!
Life is short…start making your time Count!
We each have control over 1 thing in Life….our reaction! We all know that life is constantly changing and we can not control nor predict it! So how do we cope when life throws us curve balls? We focus on our response!
One of the best methods to do this is by meditating daily. This simple practice of quieting our mind opens up a whole new way of thinking along with tools to deal with life’s problems.
This ancient practice has been utilized for thousand of years to help find inner peace and balance.
We are each blessed with a unique talent and it’s part of our life mission to find it! Once you discover it, you can begin to experience real joy. I will admit, when I realized my true passion was teaching others, it changed my entire outlook on life!
Discovering your purpose requires trying new and different things until you find the right one. Pure joy comes from living a life with passion, while happiness is often a temporary feeling.
Words have more power than you think…choose them wisely! They have a profound affect when we talk to people, but more importantly when we speak about our-self!
Our subconscious mind absorbs all the words and thoughts we have throughout the day. Making statements such as I’m old, I have no money, or I’m lonely often reinforces our current reality.
One way of changing the words we use is by reading Affirmations. Choosing our words wisely can help us create the new reality we want to experience!
Being humble is one of those great characteristics to possess. It is the ability to connect with other people, even if you may have experienced more success in one area of your life.
Many people posses confidence, which is a great tool in life to help us achieve our goals. Being able to have confidence while staying humble allows us to connect with people which is one of the greatest gifts we have.
We each have one body/vessel to last our entire life…treat it kindly!
Viewing our body with kindness versus criticism can make a real difference in how we feel!
Choosing healthy food as opposed to junk will help us stay healthier and more energized. Sadly, it’s only when someone experiences illness do they stop and make a change.
Rest is crucial for our bodies to recharge. Going to bed a little earlier each night or taking small naps, often increases our performance.
Water is one of those essentials that our body craves. Staying hydrated and drinking it before meals has been shown to improve our metabolism.
Finally, working out regularity not only helps us to stay healthy, but it also allows us to feel happy!
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